The UK Chasers courses were a series of arable headland cross country courses, spread around the country.
They were situated on arable farms and were NOT equestrian centres with stabling, indoor arenas etc.
Although the UK Chasers organisation is now defunct, Park Farm continues to offer the facilities for hire.
Because Park Farm is part of a large arable agriculture business the Farm Manager may not be around when you arrive so please be respectful, enjoy your trip and leave the area as you found it, or better!
Prices for booking vary between the courses and the ages of riders.
Parking only (to use local bridleways): £5
Arena Hire: £10 per hour
Short Course Hire (Under 16): £5
Short Course Hire (Adult): £10
Short Course Hire (Adult and child): £15
Long Course (Under 16): £10
Long Course (Adult): £20
Long Course (Adult and child): £30
As well as being available for private hire, Park Farm Equestrian can be booked for events host by third parties.
As these bookings are made, the relevant dates are marked as unavailable in the system, and will not be available for private hire.
Although it is quite possible that you will be alone on the short or long courses we set a capacity limit of 20 people in a time slot.
Hopefully there is plenty of room but if you do encounter other users we ask that you use common sense and give each other space.
In the Park Farm Arena we limit bookings to one person or group at a time for obvious reasons.
We would prefer it if people did not bring their dogs but we understand that is not always possible.
If you have a dog with you it must be on a lead at all times and kept under control.